FedNav is Canada’s largest bulk carrier. The client wants to completely rewrite an application to assist the navigation of ships in ice by planning and tracking routes. The old version is limited in display, radar converter management and communication between ships.
Rewrite the software with the following capabilities:
• C++ / C#
• Visual Studio
• DirectX
• OpenCV
• OpenGIS
The developed version allows you to view cartographic data from different sources simultaneously and process radar information with hardware independence using the latest display technologies.
LTI carried out all the development related to the interfacing of different types of radar sensors. LTI designed and implemented software components allowing the abstraction of radar hardware. This facilitates the adaptation of a range of widely different electronic devices (full or partial scan converters, TCP/IP communication, etc.). A significant portion of the work is carried out on board the client company’s various vessels.
In addition, LTI has developed several image processing algorithms (GeoTIFF), including a target tracking system using several digital vision techniques (OpenCV).
Finally, the solution includes improving the application’s graphical interface (GUI) linked to target tracking and GPS positioning.